Riven - The Sequel to Myst

Riven - The Sequel to Myst

Keep in mind that whenever you go through a
roller-coaster sequence and change discs, you
are almost invariably going to another island.
One way to keep your mapping and your puzzles
straight is to avoid switching islands until
you have a pretty good idea where everything
is and you've pulled every lever and switch
you can find.

On the Boiler Island, try closing doors behind
you; you never know what might be hiding in
the corner.

On Jungle Island, turn up the speakers and listen
as you touch the wooden eyes. There are sound
clues as well as hidden symbols.

Bonus appearance:
Remember back at the beginning, when the native takes
your prison book, gets shot with a dart, and is dumped
over a cliff? Once you have captured Gehn and freed
Catherine at the end of the game, return to the
Temple/Generator at the first (disc 2) island and
look over the cliff. The will be gone, but look at
the upper left corner of the screen.

Jungle secrets:
When you change to Disc 3 you should be at a point where
all the trees are cut down. Find the path that leads to
the gate. Open it and start to walk. As soon as you go
under the first tree, look to your left. You should see
a giant dagger sticking up out of the ground. Walk down
and you will find another rolling ball thing. Remember
to note what the symbol is and what sound it makes.
Return to the path and start walking forwards again.
When you reach the two pathways, go right. As you walk
down you should see a giant fish head. Approach and
inspect the head and you will find nothing. However,
back on the pathway you should see two lamps. Go until
all you can see is the top part. On the very top there
is a small disc. Push it and see what happens.